Destan Episode 19 English & Urdu Subtitles

You are watching Destan Episode 19 English & Urdu Subtitles. The cast and subject of the Destan Series, which is set to debut soon, are energizing. The epic series’ exceptionally anticipated trailer has been delivered. In the main mystery for ‘Destan,’ Ebru Sahin’s person Akkiz shouts, “I’m the little girl of Dag, Akkiz!” I’ve advanced into some assistance for the people who don’t have any. I’ve turned it into a way for individuals who don’t have any. I find come to make harmony, to deliver the slave, and to compose my epic on the mountain to the sky.” The Destan Turkish Series follows the courageous story of a fighter mountain young lady Akkiz, who Gök Khan Korkut Han stranded. Ebru Sahin and Edip Tepeli star in the number one spot jobs. The epic love between Akkiz, the legendary warrior mountain girl orphaned by Gök Khan Korkut Khan in the harsh steppes of Central Asia, and Gök Tegini Batuga, who was orphaned by Korkut Khan in the Gök Palace during Gokturk Khaganate .

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