DMCA Compliance

It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. This page outlines the information required to submit these notices and allows online submission for the fastest response.

Important – A/V Content Removal Requests

GiveMe5.PK, as a search engine, is not responsible for the content of external websites. Please ensure before sending an A/V removal request that the media in question is actually hosted by and is not hosted by a third party. You can check the location that a video is hosted by looking for the host descriptor displayed below each video object. Each host descriptor contains a link to the original location that the video was indexed from.

Video Sources:,,,,

If the video is not hosted by GiveMe5.PK, the most effective way of protecting your rights is to seek removal from the host that is responsible for the content. This in turn, will remove the content from GiveMe5.PK and any other search engines that may have indexed the content.

Content hosted by GiveMe5.PK

For A/V content that is hosted by GiveMe5.PK, please fill in the request form below and we will endeavor to work closely with you in compliance with the Digital Millenium Copyright Act.

you can contact us by filling this form.